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always having to wait  ms for each signal to arrive would mean  s of additional cycle
time already (a % increase in a fast roundtable application!).
- Stay within time limits given by the application (e.g., a critical mechanically controlled
movement) which otherwise could mean destruction of the machine, tools in the
machine, or at least the produced product.
Very high reliability to get a signal within a defined upper time limit (e.g., to avoid the
above described destruction).
In contrast to other wireless use cases like mobile operators and service, the very high reliability to
get a signal within a defined time limit is an absolute requirement.
Practical values for the error rate of not getting the signal in time depend on the industrial use
case assumed. A typical round table application can have easily  IO points, mainly sensors, of
which  are here assumed to be wirelessly transmitted in the following Table .. A round table is a
typical arrangement in factory, where a stepwise rotating table is used to do many diferent assemblies,
testing or loading/unloading steps in parallel. The substations on the table have additional relative
movements, so wireless is an issue due to D movements. Typically most of the IO signals are digital
and the events are typically separated in time (unsynchronized), resulting in many telegrams, worst
In principal, the distribution of wireless latencies will qualitatively look like in Figure . in prac-
tical implementations. Sketched is a coexistence situation with other frequency users. If the wireless
TABLE .
Events in a Roundtable Production
Event per Second
 wireless nodes or IO points a
 telegrams per second
Per hour
,  telegrams
Per day ( shifts)
 mio. telegrams
Per year (w/o weekends)
,  mio. telegrams
Note: Less than one failure can be tolerated per year, resulting in a needed
packet error rate of
amount of telegrams, as only rarely IO points are simultaneously
Wireless system with
10 -1
10 -2
10 -3
10 -4
10 -5
10 -6
10 -7
10 -8
10 -9
10 -10
10 -11
for latencies
larger than limit
ms latency
Typical distribution of latency measurements in wireless automation devices.
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