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Configuration and Management of
Networked Embedded Devices
. Introduction .........................................
 -
. ConceptsandTerms .................................
 -
Configuration versus Management Smart Devices Plug
and Play versus Plug and Participate State
. Requirements on Configuration and Management . . .
 -
. InterfaceSeparation..................................
 -
Interface File System Approach
. Proiles,Datasheets,andDescriptions................
 -
Profiles Electronic Device Description Language Field
Device Tool/Device Type Manager Transducer Electronic
Datasheet Interface File System/Smart Transducer
. ApplicationDevelopment ............................  -
. ConigurationInterfaces .............................  -
Hardware Configuration Plug and Participate Application
Configuration and Upload
. ManagementInterfaces ..............................  -
Monitoring and Diagnosis Calibration
. MaintenanceinFieldbusSystems ....................  -
.Conclusion...........................................  -
Acknowledgment ..........................................  -
References .................................................  -
Wilfried Elmenreich
University of Klagenfurt
22.1 Introduction
The advent of embedded microcontrollers and the possibility to equip them with small, fast, and
low-cost network interfaces has allowed forming smart distributed systems consisting of a set of
networked-embedded devices. The main reasons to build a system in a distributed way are the
possibility to have redundancy and to exploit parallelism. In the context of embedded networks, a
distributed system also supports the following applications:
Distributed sensing with smart transducers. A smart transducer is an integration of
sensor/actuator, processing element, and network interface. Smart transducers perform
a local preprocessing of the analog sensor signal and transmit the measurement digitally
via the network.
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