Image Processing Reference
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FIGURE .
AUTOSAR—system services substack.
AUTOSAR. he Os module is configured and scaled statically, provides a priority-based scheduling
policy and protective functions with respect to memory and timing at run-time, and is designed to
be hostable on low-end controllers.
Similar to the OSEKtime dispatcher tables (see Section ..), AUTOSAR Os provides so-called
“schedule tables” consisting of one or more “expiry points.” Hereby, each expiry point is assigned an
offset measured in Os ticks from the start of the schedule table. Once an expiry point is reached,
the action corresponding to the expiry point (e.g., the activation of a task or the setting of an event)
is processed. At runtime, the Os iterates over the schedule table, processing each expiry point in
turn. The iteration is driven by an Os counter. To facilitate the execution of tasks synchronous to
external events (e.g., synchronous to the FlexRay communication schedule), schedule tables can be
synchronized to external time sources (e.g., FlexRay's global time).
As far as protection against timing violations is concerned, AUTOSAR Os does not provide dead-
line monitoring (as does OSEKtime OS), but provides the facility to track the execution time of each
task and ISR and to raise an error in case either exceeds its statically assigned execution time bud-
gets. Regarding memory protection, AUTOSAR Os uses (similar to the protected OSEK defined by
HIS [see Section ..]) the memory protection unit of the MCU to provide coarse-grained memory
protection of the different tasks against each other.
Basic software (BSW) scheduler ( SchM ): he BSW Scheduler module provides means to embed other
AUTOSAR system software module implementations into the context of an AUTOSAR Os task or
ISR, triggers main processing functions of the system software modules, and applies data consistency
mechanisms for these modules. Just like the Rte providestheinfrastructureforsotwarecomponents
by embedding runnable entities in a task context, the SchM module “provides the infrastructure for
the other system sotware modules” by embedding their main processing functions in a task context.
ECU State Manager ( EcuM ):heECUStateManagermodulemanagesallaspectsoftheECUrelated
to the Off , Run ,and Sleep states of that ECU and the transitions between these states like
“start-up and shutdown.” In detail, the ECU State Manager is responsible for the initialization and
de-initialization of all basic software modules including Os and Rte ,cooperateswiththe ComM ,and
hence indirectly with Nm , to shut down the ECU when needed, manages all wake-up events, and con-
figures the ECU for Sleep state when requested. To fulfill all these tasks, the EcuM provides some
important protocols: the “run request protocol,” which is needed to coordinate whether the ECU
must be kept alive or is ready to shut down, the “wakeup validation protocol” to distinguish “real”
wakeup events from “erratic” ones, and the “time-triggered increased inoperation protocol,” which
allows to put the ECU into an increasingly energy saving sleep state.
Usually the main processing functions of multiple system software modules are embedded into a single task to keep the
number of tasks required for execution of the whole AUTOSAR system software low.
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