Image Processing Reference
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. F.Osterlind,A.Dunkels,J.Eriksson,N.Finne,andT.Voigt,Cross-levelsensornetworksimulation
with COOJA, in LocalComputerNetworks,Proc.stIEEEConferenceon ,Tampa,FL,November
, pp. -.
. M. Woehrle, C. Plessl, J. Beutel, and L. Thiele, Increasing the reliability of wireless sensor networks
with a distributed testing framework, in Proc. th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors
(EmNetS-IV) .ACM,NewYork,,pp.-.
. B. Meyer, Design by contract: Making object-oriented programs that work, in Technolog y of Object-
Oriented Languages and Systems, . TOOLS , Proceedings ,Beijing,China,November,pp.
. W. Archer, P. Levis, and J. Regehr, Interface contracts for tinyos, in Proc. th Int'l Conf. Information
Processing Sensor Networks (IPSN ') . ACM Press, New York, , pp. -.
. A. Lachenmann, ncunit: A unit testing framework for nesc, . [Online]. Available at: http://www.
. Rincon
http://www., May .
. N. T. M. Nguyen and M. L. Soffa, Program representations for testing wireless sensor network
applications, in DOSTA ': Workshop on Domain Specific Approaches to Software Test Automation .
ACM, Dubrovnik, Croatia, , pp. -.
. V.Handziski,A.Koepke,A.Willig,andA.Wolisz,Twist:Ascalableandreconigurabletestbedfor
wireless indoor experiments with sensor networks, in Proc. nd International Workshop on Multi-Hop
Ad Hoc Networks: From heory to Reality (REALMAN ') . ACM Press, New York, , pp. -.
. A. G. Paul Duvall and S. Matyas, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing
Risk . Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, .
. D.Cohen,M.Lindvall,andP.Costa,Anintroductiontoagilemethods. Advances in Computers ,,
-, .
. CruiseControl, Cruisecontrol home, April . [Online]. Available at: http://cruisecontrol.
. V. Massol and T. Husted, JUnit in Action . Manning Publications Co., Greenwich, CT, .
. X.Jiang,P.Dutta,D.Culler,andI.Stoica,Micropowermeterforenergymonitoringofwireless
sensor networks at scale, in IPSN ': Proc. th International Conference on Information Processing in
Sensor Networks .ACM,NewYork,,pp.-.
. M. Woehrle, J. Beutel, R. Lim, M. Yuecel, and L. Thiele, Power monitoring and testing in wireless
sensor network development, in Workshop on Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks (WEWSN ) ,
June .
. I. Talzi, A. Hasler, S. Gruber, and C. Tschudin, Permasense: Investigating permafrost with a WSN
in the Swiss Alps, in Proc. th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNetS-IV) ,ACM
Press, New York, , -.
. H. Dubois-Ferriere, R. Meier, L. Fabre, and P. Metrailler, Tinynode: a comprehensive platform for
wireless sensor network applications, in Proc. th Int'l Conf. Information Processing Sensor Networks
(IPSN ') ,Boulder,CO,April,pp.-.
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