Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Build result status, histogram, and statistics are reported on the CruiseControl Webpage.
data. CruiseControl allows for integrating widgets and build tools and works with third party tools
such as Trac. Regular Builds with Statistics
Regular builds are either triggered upon code changes introduced to the repository, by user requests
using a Web interface or using periodic timers. Builds can be configured separately allowing for usage
of individual parameters and tools to be used. Builds are referenced to a specific version of the code-
base in the repository using a unique build id. All data generated, logs, build artifacts, and test results
are stored in a central data structure available through a Web-based reporting interface (Figure .). Source Code Analysis and Code Checkers
Different tools for checking, e.g., coding (style) violations such as Findbugs, PMB, CheckStyle, or the
correctness of javadoc documentation, are readily available for integration into common CI frame-
works such as CruiseControl. Recently, first specialized tools to check WSN-speciic software emerge
after the build process and generate reports that can be visualized using the CruiseControl reporting
front-end. However they are typically tools allowing static code analysis only, without actually exe-
cuting the binary generated and thus cannot detect all defects in the code, nor the handling of the
software of boundary conditions concerning interrupts, sensor values, or hardware-related problems
concerning the battery level or the environmental conditions of the device. Unit Test Integration
Unit testing is a methodology focussed on testing small components, in particular the smallest com-
ponents available such as individual functions or methods. A test wraps around the code under test
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