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// Algorithm: RC5-Encryption
// Input:
A, B
= plaintext stored in two words
S[0, 2r+1] = an array filled by a key setup
// Ouput:
A, B
= ciphertext stored in two words
A := A + S[0];
B := B + S[1];
for i := 1 to r
A := ( (A B) <<< B) + s[2i];
B := ( (B A) <<< A) + s[2i + 1];
RC encryption algorithm.
TABLE .
Plaintext Requirements for Differential
Attacks on RC
Number of Rounds
Differential attack
(chosen plaintext)
Differential attack
(known plaintext)
attacks against RC with a blocklength of  bit have plaintext requirements as listed in Table .
[KY]. According to the information given in [PST + ] (RAM requirements, etc.), Perrig et al. seem
to plan for RC with  rounds and  bit words (leading to a blocklength of  bit), so that a diferential
cryptanalysis attack would require about   chosen plaintexts and about   known plaintexts and
should be considered on the edge of being secure (if an attacker can collect that many plaintexts).
Nevertheless, by increasing the number of rounds the required effort could be raised to   or   ,
respectively. Even higher security requirements can by principle only be ensured by using a block
cipher with a larger block size.
In SNEP, encryption of messages is performed by using the RC algorithm in an operational mode
called “counter mode” that XORs the plaintext with a pseudo-random bit sequence, which is gener-
ated by encrypting increasing counter values (see also Figure .). .).The encryption of message Ms g
with key K and counter value “ Counter ” is denoted as
For computing message authentication codes (MACs), SNEP uses the well established cipher block
chaining MAC (CBC-MAC) construction. his mode encrypts each plaintext block P , ..., P n with an
integrity key IK , XORing the ciphertext of the last encryption result C i
} <
K ,Counter
with the plaintext block P i
prior to the encryption step. he result of the last encryption step is then taken as the MAC (see also
Figure .).
Counter + 1
Counter + 2
CK A , B
CK A , B
CK A , B
P 1
C 1
P 2
C 2
P 3
C 3
Encryption in counter mode.
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