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more effort in this direction is expected. New challenges might also come from the exploitation,
in a context-dependent way, of other energy sources, such as electromagnetic fields, fluid flows, and
mechanical vibrations, or other techniques that try to harness the energy produced by the human
body [Sta], or the action of gravitational fields, e.g., [Hay].
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[Akk] K. Akkaya and M. Younis, An energy-aware QoS routing protocol for wireless sensor networks,
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[Cha] J.H. Chang and L. Tassiulas, Maximum lifetime routing in wireless sensor networks, in Proceed-
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[Che] B.Chen,K.Jamieson,H.Balakrishnan,andR.Morris.Span:Anenergy-eicientcoordination
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[Chi] O.Chipara,Z.He,Q.Chen,G.Xing,X.Wang,C.Lu,J.Stankovic,andT.Abdelzaher,Real-time
power-aware routing in sensor networks, in Proceedings of the th IEEE International Workshop
on Quality of Service, . IWQoS  , pp. -, Jun. .
[Chu] M. Chu, H. Haussecker, and F. Zhao, Scalable information-driven sensor querying and rout-
ing for ad hoc heterogeneous sensor networks. International Journal of High Performance
Computing Applications ,(),-,.
J.-H. Chang and L. Tassiulas, Energy conserving routing in wireless ad-hoc networks, in
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM ' , pp. -, Israel, Mar. .
J.L. da Silva Jr. et al., Design methodology for picoradio networks, in Proceedings of the Design
Automation and Test Conference (DATE) ,pp.-,Germany,Mar..
E.W. Dijkstra, A note on two problems in connexion with graphs, Numerische Mathematik ,:S.
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D. Estrin, R. Govindan, J. Heidemann, and S. Kumar, Next century challenges: Scalable coordi-
nation in sensor networks, Proceedings of the th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference
Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) , pp. -, Aug. .
and timeliness domains in wireless sensor networks, in Proceedings of the th Annual Joint
Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE INFOCOM  ,vol.,
pp. -, Mar. -, .
E. Felemban, C.-G. Lee, and E. Ekici, MMSPEED: Multipath multi-SPEED protocol for QoS
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