Image Processing Reference
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[BKKM] Barbeau, M., Kranakis, E., Krizanc, D., and Morin, P.: Improving distance-based geographic
location techniques in sensor networks. In: rd International Conference of Ad-Hoc Networks
& Wireless ,,Vancouver,Canada.
[Blu] Blumenthal, J.: Resource Aware and Decentral Localization of Autonomous Sensor Nodes in
Sensor Networks , PhD hesis, University of Rostock, .
[BP] Bahl,P.andPadmanabhan,V.N.:RADAR:Anin-buildingRF-baseduserlocationand
tracking system. In: IEEE Infocom , , Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. -.
[BPF] Buschmann, C., Pfisterer, D., and Fischer, S.: Estimating distances using neighborhood
intersection, IEEE Conference on ETFA ,,Prague,CzechRepublic.
[BRBT] Born, A., Reichenbach, F., Bill, R., and Timmermann, D.: Bestimmung Optimaler
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KuVS-Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke, Technischer Bericht / ,,Stuttgart,
Germany, pp. -.
[BRHT] Blumenthal, J., Reichenbach, F., Handy, M., and Timmermann, D.: Low power
optimization of the coarse grained localization algorithm in wireless sensor networks.
In: st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication ,ShakerVerlag,March,
Hannover, Germany, pp. -.
[BRT] Blumenthal, J., Reichenbach, F., and Timmermann, D.: Position estimation in ad hoc
wireless sensor networks with low complexity. In: Joint nd Workshop on Positioning,
Navigation and Communication  and st Ultra-Wideband Expert Talk ,ShakerVerlag,
März , Hannover, Germany, pp. -.
[BTB + ] Blumenthal, J., Timmermann, D., Buschmann, C., Fischer, S., Koberstein, J., and
Luttenberger, N.: Minimal transmission power as distance estimation for precise local-
ization in sensor networks, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference , , Vancouver, Canada, pp. -.
[Bul] Bulusu, N.: GPS-less low cost outdoor localization for very small devices. IEEE Personal
Communications Magazine  (), -.
[BWHF] Buschmann, C., Werner, C., Hellbrück, H., and Fischer, S.: NIDES: Ein Verfahren zur
Multihop-Distanzschätzung mittels Nachbarschaftsanalyse. In: KiVS ,,pp.-.
[CHH] Capkun, S., Hamdi, M., and Hubaux, J.-P.: GPS-free positioning in mobile ad hoc networks.
Cluster Computing  (), -.
[Dei] Deinert, F.: Mathematische Modelle zur Wellenausbreitung für die Simulation drahtloser
Netze. In: Seminar Technische Informatik ,,FUBerlin,Germany.
[DPG] Doherty, L., Pister, K.S.J., and Ghaoui, L.: Convex position estimation in wireless sensor net-
works. In: th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications ,,
Anchorage, AK, pp. -.
[Fel] Feldmann, S.: An indoor Bluetooth-based positioning system: Concept, implementation and
experimental evaluation. In: nd International Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Networking ,
, Las Vegas, NV, pp. -.
[Fri] Friis, H.T.: A note on a simple transmission formula. Proceedings of the IRE  (),
[GBY + ] Goldenberg, D.K., Bihler, P., Yang, Y.R., Cao, M., Fang, J., Morse, A.S., and Anderson, B.D.O.:
Localization in sparse networks using sweeps. In: th Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking , , ACM Press, Los Angeles, CA, pp. -.
Gustafsson, F. and Gunnarsson, F.: Positioning using time-difference of arrival measure-
ments. In: IEEE International Conference on ICASSP ,,HongKong,PRC,pp.-.
Gibson, J.: he Mobile Communications Handbook .CRCPress,BocaRaton,FL,.
Hightower, J. and Borriella, G.: Location systems for ubiquitous computing. IEEE Computer
 (), -.
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