Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
The last part of the chapter was dedicated to the mean in which data can be extracted in an efficient
way from the sensor network. An interesting observation from the summary presented in Table .
shows that only a handful of the projects have actually been implemented on sensor node platforms.
This clearly reflects that while certain projects have begun making inroads into the various essential
conceptual features mentioned in this chapter, current distributed data extraction techniques only
touch the tip of the iceberg.
. Consortium: Eyes European project. ().
. Chu, P., Lo, N., Berg, E., and Pister, K.: Optical communication using micro corner cuber reflectors.
In: MEMS , Nagoya, Japan (), pp. -.
. Havinga, P.: Eyes deliverable .-system architecture specification ().
. Kahn, J.M., Katz, R.H., and Pister, K.S.J.: Next century challenges: Mobile networking for smart
dust. In: MobiCom ': Proceedings of the th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile
Computing and Networking ,NewYork,ACM(),pp.-.
. Akyildiz, I., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., and Cayirci, E.: A survey on sensor networks. IEEE
Communication Magazine  () -.
. Gislason, D.: ZigBee Wireless Networking . CMP Books, Gilroy, CA ().
. TexasInstruments: System-on-chip for . ghz zigbee/ ieee .. with location engine ().
. Incel,O.D.,Jansen,P.G.,Dulman,S.O.,andMullender,S.J.:Capacityanalysisofinterferingchan-
nels. In: Proceedings of the nd ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of
Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks ,Crete,Greece,NewYork,ACM(),pp.-.
. Intanagonwiwat, C., Govindan, R., Estrin, D., Heidemann, J., and Silva, F.: Directed diffusion for
wireless sensor networking. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON)  () -.
. Pottie, G.J. and Kaiser, W.J.: Embedding the internet: Wireless integrated network sensors. Communi-
cations of the ACM  () -.
. VxWorks: Wind river. ().
. Salvo: Pumpkin incorporated. ().
. Hill, J., Szewczyk, R., Woo, A., Hollar, S., Culler, D.E., and Pister, K.S.J.: System architecture directions
for networked sensors. In: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ,
New York () -.
. Gemesi, R., Meratnia, N., and Havinga, P.J.M.: Quality-aware resource management for wireless sensor
networks. In Anderson, J.H., Prencipe, G., Wattenhoffer, R., eds.: Proceedings of the th International
Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, OPODIS  ,Pisa,Italy.Volume/of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science , London, Springer Verlag (), pp. -.
. P. Verissimo and Casimiro, A.: Event-driven support of real-time sentient objects. In: Proceedings of
WORDS  , Guadalajara ().
. Cheong, E., Liebman, J., Liu, J., and Zhao, F.: TinyGALS: A programming model for event-driven
embedded systems. In: Proceedings of the  ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ,ACMPress,
Melbourne (), pp. -.
. STW-Progress: Feather-light distributed systems project (tes.) ().
. Hofmeijer, T.J., Dulman, S.O., Jansen, P.G., and Havinga, P.J.M.: AmbientRT—real time system soft-
ware support for data centric sensor networks. In: nd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors,
Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) ,Melbourne,Australia,LosAlamitos,California,
IEEE Computer Society (), pp. -.
. Yao, Y. and Gehrke, J.: The cougar approach to in-network query processing in sensor networks.
SIGMOD Rec .  () -.
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