Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Core Animation uses an internal algorithm to calculate animation of color changes.
When you specify a fromValue and a toValue or byValue in a CABasicAnimation or an
array of CGColorRef values in an array that you provide to the values field of a
CAKeyframeAnimation , Core Animation
determines and fills in all the in
between colors to be used over the dura-
tion of the animation.
In the world of animation, this is known as
tweening ; where the code looks at the start
and end values and automatically calculates
and runs the values in between.
Listing 2-1 demonstrates how to create a
basic animation that changes the back-
ground color of a layer from red to
green over a period of 5 seconds.
Animating the Background Color from Red to Green
- ( CABasicAnimation *)backgroundColorAnimation;
CABasicAnimation *anim =
animationWithKeyPath: @”backgroundColor” ];
[anim setDuration :5.0];
CGColorRef red =
CGColorCreateGenericRGB (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
CGColorRef green =
CGColorCreateGenericRGB (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[anim setFromValue :( id )red];
[anim setToValue:( id )green];
CFRelease (red);
CFRelease (green);
return anim;
The example code creates a basic animation object, CABasicAnimation , using the keypath
backgroundColor and sets a starting value and ending value using the -setFromValue and
-setToValue parameters. It sets the duration to 5 seconds by calling -setDuration:5.0 .
When this animation is added to a layer, the layer's background color starts to animate
On the iPhone, this code changes slightly as colors are manipulated using the UIColor
class. Listing 2-2 demonstrates how to create the same animation for the iPhone.
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