Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
User Interaction
. The Click of a Mouse
. Hit Testing CALayer Objects
. Hit Test
. Example Application: Color
W hat is the point of a graphical interface if a user
cannot interact with it? However, a quick exploration of
the Core Animation API reveals that it has no direct way to
receive user interaction!
. LZButtonLayer
. Interface Builder
. Building the Layers
. Watching the Mouse
This chapter focuses on how to add interaction points to
an application, specifically to Core Animation. We look at
both mouse interaction and keyboard input.
. Keyboard Events
. Layer-Backed Views
The Click of a Mouse
The most common interaction users expect from your
application is the ability to click the mouse on various
interface elements to perform some function, such as click-
ing a Save button. In a normal Cocoa application, these
type of events are handled with NSResponder . However,
because Core Animation was designed to be as light as
possible, CALayer does not inherit from NSResponder , and
the layer cannot accept mouse events. Instead, you need to
route the event through NSView .
When working with layer-backed views, your app can
capture mouse events in an NSView and process them there.
However, things get a little more interesting when you
work in a configuration in which there is only one NSView
for an entire stack of CALayer objects. Because the NSView is
the only object that receives events, it must figure out what
layer was clicked on and what action to take.
Hit Testing CALayer Objects
When an application has only one (or at least very few)
NSView object, all user interaction becomes the responsibil-
ity of that lone NSView . It receives all mouse and keyboard
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