Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
CAShapeLayer Displaying a Triangle
Although this example is shown to be running on iPhone OS, the CAShapeLayer is also
available as of Mac OS X 10.5 Snow Leopard and can be used in any application targeted
at that version of the desktop OS.
Manipulating the Path Stroke
CAShapeLayer enables you to manipulate the appearance of the stroke around the perime-
ter of the shape you have drawn. For example, you can set the stroke width with the
lineWidth property, or you could set the stroke color by calling -setStrokeColor passing
it a CGColorRef . Listing 10-2 demonstrates several of the fields that you can change to
manipulate the stroke of the shape.
Path Stroke Manipulations
- ( void )viewDidLoad
[ super viewDidLoad ];
UIImage *balloon = [ UIImage imageNamed : @”balloon.jpg” ];
[[[ self view ] layer ] setContents :( id )[balloon CGImage]];
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