Graphics Reference
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stillOk = YES ;
if ( !stillOk )
return NO ;
return stillOk;
The code iterates through the list of VideoChannel objects and checks each to see if
they are ready to draw. If any of them fail readiness, NO is returned for the current call to
-canDrawInCGLContext . Listing 8-10 shows an implementation of the call to the
VideoChannel 's -readyToDrawNextFrame function.
Implementing readyToDrawNextFrame Function
- ( BOOL )readyToDrawNextFrame:( CVTimeStamp *)timeStamp;
if ( QTVisualContextIsNewImageAvailable ( qtVisualContext , NULL ))
CVOpenGLTextureRelease ( currentFrameImageBuffer );
QTVisualContextCopyImageForTime (
qtVisualContext ,
& currentFrameImageBuffer );
CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords (
currentFrameImageBuffer ,
lowerLeft ,
lowerRight ,
upperRight ,
upperLeft );
return YES ;
return NO ;
If you look closely, you see that this code is similar to the code used in Listing 8-3 to
render a single video channel. This function checks to see if a new image is available for
the visual context using the specified timeStamp . If it is available, the previous image
buffer is released, the current image is copied to the image buffer, the texture coordinates
are reset, and YES is returned; otherwise NO is returned.
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