Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Implementing Current Image Capture
- (NSImage*)getCurrentImage;
CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer;
@synchronized ( self )
imageBuffer = CVBufferRetain(currentImageBuffer);
if (imageBuffer) {
// Create an NSImage
NSCIImageRep *imageRep =
[NSCIImageRep imageRepWithCIImage:
NSImage *image = [[[NSImage alloc ] initWithSize:
[imageRep size ]] autorelease ];
[image addRepresentation:imageRep];
return image;
return nil ;
Access to the currentImageBuffer object is synchronized on a regular basis as it is written
to by the captureOutput callback function in Listing 7-13. It runs on its own thread,
making the synchronized block necessary. If the image buffer was successfully retained,
we can convert it to an NSImage* and return it to the calling function.
Finally, we add an action to the AppDelegate that fires when the Capture Image button is
pressed. The action grabs the current image from the QTCaptureLayer -derived class
( CaptureLayer ) and sets the NSImageView 's image with it; Listing 7-15 shows how this is
Setting the Image View with the Current Image
- ( IBAction )grabImage:( id )sender;
NSImage *image = [captureLayer getCurrentImage];
[imageView setImage :image];
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