Graphics Reference
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// Try to open the device
[videoDevice open:&error];
// No need to continue if device couldn't be opened
if ( error != nil ) return ;
// Create a device input object to add to the capture session
QTCaptureDeviceInput *input =
[[QTCaptureDeviceInput alloc ]
[captureSession addInput:input error:&error];
if ( error != nil ) return ;
// Create video output to add raw frames to the session
output = [[QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput alloc ] init ];
[captureSession addOutput:output error:&error];
if ( error != nil ) return ;
[ self setSession:captureSession];
This relatively small amount of code is quite amazing in what it provides. This abstrac-
tions Apple enables you to easily capture and display frames in real time. With
QTCaptureSession created, the next thing to do is obtain a frame at any given time
by setting a delegate for the QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput object. After the
QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput object has been allocated, set its delegate to self
using the following:
[output setDelegate:self];
This enables you to capture the output as an image file or to a QuickTime movie object.
First, however, let's take a closer look at how QTCaptureLayer was initialized for the
capture session.
Creating and Displaying the QTCaptureLayer
Although it is possible to create a QTCaptureLayer object directly with alloc and init , or
with a convenience function such as +layerWithSession , we're going to subclass
QTCaptureLayer so that we can hide QTCaptureSession 's initialization in the init . We do
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