Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
and 1.0 , which is used directly by the slider. The slider value is set to this percentage,
and -setNeedsDisplay is called to tell the slider to update its display.
Adding Overlays
Adding an overlay to a movie is often one of the first things a new QuickTime developer
wants to do. This can be a bit of a challenge when using a QTMovieView , as views are
heavyweight and don't provide a simple means for adding a subview that will display
properly. If you use views, you either need to create a borderless subwindow that contains
the overlay content, or you need to provide it by drawing in an OpenGL context. Both of
those solutions add a significant amount of code and complexity to your application, so
let's see how Core Animation can simplify this task.
To add an overlay using Core Animation, create a new CALayer -based layer—either actual
or a derivative—and then call -addSublayer on QTMovieLayer . To demonstrate this, the
-awakeFromNib call from Listing 7-1 has been modified in Listing 7-6 to add a
CATextLayer to overlay the movie.
Implementing an Overlay
- ( void )awakeFromNib;
[[window contentView ] setWantsLayer: YES ];
NSString *moviePath = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ]
pathForResource : @”stirfry” ofType : @”mov” ];
movie = [QTMovie movieWithFile:moviePath error: nil ];
if ( movie )
NSRect contentRect = [[window contentView ] bounds ];
QTMovieLayer *layer = [QTMovieLayer layerWithMovie:movie];
[layer setFrame :NSRectToCGRect(contentRect)];
textLayer = [CATextLayer layer ];
[textLayer setString : @”Do Not Try This At Home!” ];
[textLayer setAlignmentMode:kCAAlignmentCenter];
[textLayer setFrame :NSRectToCGRect(contentRect)];
[layer addSublayer :textLayer];
[[[window contentView ] layer ] addSublayer :layer];
[movie play];
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