Graphics Reference
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[rippleFilter setDefaults];
[rippleFilter setValue :[ self shadingImage]
forKey : @”inputShadingImage” ];
[rippleFilter setValue :
[CIVector vectorWithX: 0.5*w Y: 0.5*h]
forKey : @”inputCenter” ];
CATransition *theTransition=[ CATransition animation ];
[theTransition setFilter :rippleFilter];
[theTransition setDuration :2.0f];
return theTransition;
// Cause the layer to use its default transition
return nil ;
- (CIImage *)shadingImage
if (!shadingImage)
NSURL *url;
url = [ NSURL fileURLWithPath :
[[ NSBundle mainBundle ]
pathForResource : @”Shading”
ofType : @”tiff” ]];
shadingImage = [[CIImage alloc ]
initWithContentsOfURL : url];
return shadingImage;
-( IBAction )doTransition:( id )sender;
CGRect contentRect =
NSRectToCGRect([[window contentView ] frame ]);
if (toggle)
[transitionLayer setBounds :contentRect];
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