Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The remaining sliders are connected in the same way as specified by the key-paths in
Table 6-1.
The complete application has a minimal number of lines of code, largely due to the
power of data bindings. The complete AppDelegate implementation is shown in
Listing 6-11.
Complete AppDelegate Code
@interface AppDelegate : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSView *displayView;
CALayer *imageLayer;
@property ( retain ) CALayer *imageLayer;
- ( NSArray *)filters;
- ( CGImageRef )nsImageToCGImageRef:(NSImage*)image;
@implementation AppDelegate
@synthesize imageLayer;
- ( void )awakeFromNib;
[displayView setWantsLayer: YES ];
imageLayer = [[ CALayer layer ] retain ];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake (0.0f,
[displayView frame ]. size . width ,
[displayView frame ]. size . height );
[imageLayer setFrame :frame];
[imageLayer setCornerRadius :15.0f];
[imageLayer setBorderWidth :3.0f];
[imageLayer setMasksToBounds : YES ];
NSString *imagePath = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ]
pathForResource : @”balloon”
ofType : @”jpg” ];
Search WWH ::

Custom Search