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it's a bit tricky just be gentle and be patient
plug the fan connectors into the nearest port available on the motherboard then plug the
pump connector on the CPU block into the CPU Hatter on your motherboard moving on to
the last minute cable management it's just a matter are delaying everything down flat on up
that we can close the side panels easily without any interference something that's a little bit
more difficult on this case than it is on some other ones
due to that plexi back panel that will
easily flaxen Bowl out if you have anything that stacked up too high the good news is that
you've got almost a full inch of clearance back here so even things like a -pin connector are
easy to hold in place
I recommend using twist ties instead a zip ties and
if you just built a computer which you just did you should have some they come wrapped
around things like your power supply cables in the box
then use knows to tie down to the little cable management lives on the back in the case
because their reusable and a little bit more convenient to remove because you don't have to
slippers to get them of I'm I think that's pretty much it
stash the unneeded wires for the fan controller up in the top left we didn't end up using that
because we're gonna be using I motherboards on board fan control
so that means we don't even have to plug in the same to power for it and looks not bad
so the towers pretty much done now but
we still need some things before this bad boy I'll fire up
now when it comes to peripherals there's a lot of personal taste involved so take all these
recommendations with a grain of salt the one thing I think we can all agree on no
is that when it comes to a k gaming ring you are going to need a k monitor there are on ton
of options out there any up until very recently
for a high-quality color accurate you know
reasonably gaming table under the PQ kid looks like three thousand dollars was pretty
much all there was no one in the other ones using the same panel but just recently Samsung
released in value priced
TN base but still using a pretty decent panel
you the edta so that the k monitor
they came in and basically went okay yeah it's only a single pile so it's you not gonna have
to contend with any you know multiple pile you know stuttering issues or anything like that
but the bad news about that one and was a deal breaker for a lot of people was that it has
base amount and the included stan is really
not that great butts there's good news
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