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How to Build the ULTIMATE 4K Gaming
PC Build Guide
k displays
just got a portable I'm not talking about those k TVs with their
heard sandpoint I'm talking about single pile k desktop monitors that offer fast enough re-
sponse times
and loan up in Portland that PC enthusiasts and gamers are you want to take
a serious look at them but the
upgrade particularly the hacker budget allocation Parliament is not as simple as grabbing a
new monitor
plumbing on your desk and expecting it to get the best gaming experience on it right off the
a last year are dealing on like the bleeding edge unavailable PC hardware it's very unlikely
that I'll be running modern games at nasa
need a resolution without making some changes so
in the stock where what a solutions running a resolution with significantly reduced frame
remember this is four times as many pixels as P
and well over twice as many as for TP or
run at a lower resolution and deal with the blurriness
artifact thing that exists when running a monitor in anything other than an address
or upgrade so prepare your wallets
and prepare your minds for our k gaming rig
Ultimate build guide me like an explosion
like all our bill got into it all starts with a safe static three workstation and anti-static strap I
actually liked him I know my angle to keep it on the way all we really need for some Lee is
a multi-bit screwdriver but
a pair of side cutters can be handy for cable management
and you never know once a little all suppliers will come in handy
before you begin I always recommend plug in all the components in and power in the system
up once outside in the case
to ensure everything works well it's nice and easy to reach
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