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to derive edge nonrandomness, node nonrandomness, and the overall graph non-
randomness from graph spectrum. In Section 4.4 we show how randomization
affects spectral characteristics, and present our spectrum-preserving edge-random-
ization approach. We offer our concluding remarks and discuss future work in
Section 4.5.
4.2 SpectralversusRealCharacteristics
A network or graph, G ( V , E ), is a set of n nodes, V , connected by a set of m links,
E . he network considered here is binary, symmetric, connected, and without self-
loops. Let A = ( a ij ) n#n be its adjacency matrix, a ij = 1 if node i and j are connected,
and a ij = 0 otherwise. Associated with A is the degree distribution D n#n , a diagonal
matrix with row-sums of A along the diagonal, and 0's elsewhere. Recall that the
degree of a node in a network is the number of edges connected to that node.
Let λ i be the eigenvalues of A, and x i the corresponding eigenvectors, and
λ i ∈{λ 1 λ 2  … λ n }. he spectral decomposition of A is A
= Σ λ x x . We call λ i the
index of G , and call x 1 = ( x 11 , …, x 1 n ) T the principal eigenvector of the graph G
where x 1 i is the i -th component of the principal eigenvector.
Another matrix related to A is the Laplacian matrix defined as L = D - A .*
Similarly, let μi be the eigenvalues of L, and u i the corresponding eigenvectors. We
have 0 = μ 1 Y μ 2 Y … Y μn Y n . Since the degree Dii = Σ jAij , all rows and columns of
the Laplacian sum to zero. Hence, there exists one eigenvalue zero with eigenvector
1 = (1, 1, …, 1). μ 2 is an important eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix and can be
used to show how good the communities separate, with smaller values correspond-
ing to better community structures. Let u 2 = ( y 21 , … , y 2n ) T where y 2 i is the i -th
component of the eigenvector u 2 .
To understand and utilize the information in a network, researches have devel-
oped various measures to indicate the structure and characteristics of the network
from different perspectives [9]. In this chapter, we use four real-space characteristics
of a graph. he irst one is the harmonic mean of the shortest distance, h , which is
defined in Reference 25 as h
i T
1 Σ he inverse of the harmonic mean
of the shortest distance, also known as the global efficiency, varies between 0 and 1,
with h -1 = 0 when all vertices are isolated, and h -1 = 1 when the graph is complete.
he second measure is the modularity measure, Q , which indicates the good-
ness of the community structure [9]. It is defined as the fraction of all edges that
lie within communities minus the expected value of the same quantity in a graph
in which the vertices have the same degrees but the edges are placed at random
without regard for the communities. A value Q = 0 indicates that the community
structure is no stronger than would be expected by random chance, and values
other than zero represent deviations from randomness.
j d ij
n n
* he third matrix is the normal matrix defined as N=D -1/2 AD -1/2 .
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