In Depth Tutorials and Information
A socio-technical approach to selecting software supporting COTS-based sys-
many programmers, young and old, far and near, who all collaborate on the same
design idea. One of the most important aspects of these projects is the management
of the inherent knowledge of programmers who have experience in certain areas.
his chapter has shown that different groups of programmers can be handled in
many different ways, some more efficient than others.
he first way that one can begin to solve these problems regarding groups of
programmers and their throughput is to come up with a concrete way of deter-
mining which tasks are interrelated and which tasks have a data dependency of
some degree. Similar to interrelated tasks, programmers who have connections
regarding the functionality of their assigned workloads should be managed in
great detail to increase throughput throughout the software package design pro-
cess. he total matrix of data, function, and programmer interconnections should
be found in order to have a definitive idea of what direction to begin grouping
programmers and engineers and their respective workload assignments. he less
the interaction between different groups of analysts and programmers, the more
the time available for a particular group or bundle of groups to work together
on their interrelated assignments. his is the goal we are striving for at most
any cost.
his chapter has focused on two main implementations, reducing inter-
connections and making the connections that do exist less prominent. he
stand-alone STeP_IN framework and the Ariadne framework built for the
Eclipse environment are both very successful solutions to the problem at hand.
Not only do these frameworks help to smooth the transition of knowledge
transfer and data interconnection collaborative development, but they also keep
the programmers' social ecosystem in mind. he idea of allowing the program-
mer to help at will is prevalent in both frameworks. Both of these systems
allow the programmer to get help in synchronization with his or her normal
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