In Depth Tutorials and Information
Table 14.5
National ITS architecture
San Mateo County's system
Emergency telecommunications
Telecom service provider
Emergency management
County Communications Center—PSAP
Law Enforcement
Fire Department
Ambulance & ire crews
Emergency vehicle subsystem
Ambulance & ire vehicles
Care facility
Healthcare facilities
Source: Benjamin Schooley, Michael Marich, Thomas Horan. Devising an architec-
ture for time-critical information services: inter-organizational performance
data components for emergency medical service (EMS). Proceedings of the
8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Bridging
Disciplines and Domains . May 20-23, 2007. Philadelphia, PA.
14.7 Conclusions
he growth of technology presents both major advantages and major hurdles that
the healthcare industry must overcome. he ability to gather information, com-
municate it over distances, and analyze that information on a large scale presents
an incredible opportunity for progress if that information can be handled correctly.
However, large amounts of unprocessed and unfiltered information can tend to
have an overwhelming effect on those who try to study it. It is only through the
continued development of both tools and analysis techniques that technology can
truly play an integral part in the workings of the healthcare world today. he stud-
ies outlined in this chapter show how the greater community is striving to make
these developments, and with time, a seamless connection between technology and
healthcare may be reached.
1. Eubank, S. Network based models of infectious disease spread. Japanese Journal of
InfectiousDiseases , 58, S9-S13. 2005.
2. Stefan Carmien, Melissa Dawe, Gerhard Fischer, Andrew Gorman, Anja Kintsch, James
F. Sullivan, Jr. Socio-technical environments supporting people with cognitive disabili-
ties using public transportation. ACMTransactions on Computer-Human Interaction
(TOCHI) . Vol. 12, No. 2. pp. 233-262, June 2005.
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