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12.2.6 Algorithm Notations
Let G(V,E) denote the undirected graph, in which V represents the set of nodes
and E represents the set of edges in the network between each node. When e(u,v)
denotes the link between the nodes u and v, if e(u,v) = 1, it means that the nodes u
and v can directly connect to each other; otherwise e(u,v) = 0 means that nodes u
and v cannot directly connect. Furthermore, if e(u,v) = 1, node v can be seen as the
neighbor of node u.
In the network, each node has a number of neighbors. So by using N(u,i) it
means the ith neighbor of the node u. For instance, if e(u,v) = 1, then N(u,i) = v.
We use a neighbor list to represent the identities of the neighbors of each node.
For example, if IN(u,v) = i, it means the index of the node v in the neighbor list is
i. he number of neighbors of a node u, which doesn't include the node u, can be
represented as #(u) = Σ v V v u
∈ ≠ ,   ( , ). R(u,v) denotes whether or not the message can
be forwarded from node u to v. For example, if e(u,v) = 1, then R(u,v) = R(v,u) = 1.
Let KDes denote all the keywords for the destination or the receiver. KInt denotes
the keywords for the intermediate nodes. KRDM denotes the intersection of KDes
and KInt.
e u v
12.2.7 Keyword-Based Filtering
he keyword can represent the property of the message. Matching process is to find
that whether or not the message contains the right or meaningful keyword. For
example, a phone call can be seen as a message, and the keyword may be inferred
as the caller's ID.
12.2.8 DSL Trust Model
In DSL trust model we can find out whether a neighbor is a trustworthy node.
Suppose KACK denotes the set of keywords used by each node. he route discovery
message can be matched from the node's neighbors.
Not only the sender and receiver can do the filtering process, each DSL node can
also do such processes for others. For example, if e(u,v) = 1, then the nodes u and v
will exchange the keywords. KAnn(u,i) denotes all the keywords which have been
announced for exchanging function. he KACK can be diferent from the KAnn. For
example, if v is the third neighbor u, which can receive the KAnn(u,3). In this case, it
cannot determine the KACK(u). Each node can determine the KAnn or do the pro-
cess on it. According to the local function, the KAnn for different nodes can be chosen
differently. For instance, if Ii ≠ j, then K(u,i) ≠ K(v,j) and KAnn(u,i) ≠ KAnn(u,j).
For example, if two nodes in the social network can connect to each other, first,
they need to exchange the keywords in order to do the route discovery on this link.
Suppose that the node A uses “apple” as its keyword and the node B uses “banana.”
When node A sends an RDM to node B, the RDM must include the keyword of
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