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which sections or vertices are most significant to the highway network or which ver-
tex will introduce the most damage into the transportation system upon removal.
he second task of characterizing the sociotechnical infrastructure systems is
to model the vulnerability of the organizational infrastructure for disaster manage-
ment. Comparable analysis, as previously described, is being applied to characterize
the emergency response network responsible for monitoring and handling disrup-
tions within the transportation system. Once again, the study is limited to the
sub-sectioned, area of interest. hose organizations contributing the maintenance
of this highway section are being modeled as a single organizational network where
each of the authoritative organizations responsible for responding to their given
jurisdiction will be represented as a vertex. Edges between the different organiza-
tional vertices represent the laws, policies, and procedures shared between the dif-
ferent organizations pertaining to communication and action responsibilities [16].
As a measure of the capacity for action, calculation of the cost of time and resources
required to respond and handle the occurrence of a critical event in the highway
network will be necessary. he resilience indicator will be a dynamic variable repre-
senting the total number of messages communicated between the different organi-
zations in the network in when responding to a critical event in the transportation
system. Likewise, the resulting measures will illustrate the most significant vertices
in the organizational network which will also identify which one will introduce the
most damage into the network's ability to respond and act to critical events upon
removal that vertex.
he last task in characterizing the sociotechnical infrastructure systems is to
model the interaction between the social and technical infrastructure systems. It is
desirable to determine how the interactions between the two infrastructures impact
the operation of the regional transportation system [16]. he two infrastructures
must be analyzed in parallel to determine how a given critical event affects the abil-
ity of the emergency response organizations to coordinate and eiciently act. he
analysis will be extended to determine the patterns of failure or the extent of failure
within the transportation system, or technical infrastructure, that reduces the orga-
nizational response systems ability to respond. he results of these analyses on the
interaction between the two technical and organizational systems will contribute to
the process of identifying the different points of failure, which, in turn, points out
what aspects of the systems need to be improved to prevent future occurrences of a
critical event or a better means of addressing the occurrence of the critical event.
he next phase is to construct the simulation framework to represent the
Pittsburgh Metro Region. his framework will be modeled after the identiied rela-
tionships, measures, and network models produced from the analysis of character-
izing the sociotechnical infrastructure systems.
he first step toward building the simulation framework is simulating the
transportation network. For each vertex of the constructed transportation network
model, a small number of surrounding intersections will be considered in conduct-
ing an analysis of traffic. Within each analysis, sufficient data for different scenarios
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