In Depth Tutorials and Information
a. Our approach of structuring arguments was introduced.
he details of each step in the structured negotiation process were presented using exam-
ples and specific guidelines. All participants are well-trained before the experiment.
b. Stakeholders developed the implementation proposals.
Product manager: use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format specified by the
company partners as the communication protocol.
Engineering manager: Use a CSV format, i.e., comma separated values.
Engineers: use open and well-adopted XML format that is used for general
device and software specification.
Engineering director: build a proprietary XML format.
c. Stakeholders built the objective hierarchy.
he objective hierarchy that stakeholders built in this case study was a flowchart
including all the objectives and attributes as well as the relationship between the
objectives and attributes. For example, if a subject stated that “We should maximize
the software usability on the mobile handsets by keeping UI (user interface) simple,
by which I mean it should take the user as little navigation as possible to locate
the desired content,” this was actually interpreted as suggesting one fundamental
objective, “maximize usability on handsets,” and two means objectives, “keep UI
simple on handset browsers” and “require little navigation to locate content.” One
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