In Depth Tutorials and Information
of the perspectives' responses toward each other rather than the resemblance of the
arrangements of the linkages in the graph.
he more similarity or exact structural equivalence found in the stakehold-
ers' perspectives, the higher level of agreement they may have when choosing the
argument as the inal solution of this negotiation process. his analysis result will
provide the design team or the team leader with recommendations to refine the
arguments for more efective conlict resolution and collaborative negotiation. he
following describes some of the typical argument refinement strategies. Refine Design Proposals/Process
In cases where there is high similarity in stakeholders' perspectives but a different
task proposal, stakeholders can refine the task proposals and/or the design process
to increase the similarity of stakeholders' perspectives and the level of agreement in
their attitude for arguments to work towards a consensual agreement.
1. Identify further means objectives to achieve the fundamental objectives and
add more actions/objects accordingly.
2. Add or remove stakeholders from a given task. It is even possible to add/
remove stakeholders associated with a task to avoid the conflict situation.
3. By evaluating the feasibility of planned design tasks, we can prevent a sce-
nario of distant arguments by noticing their potential existence earlier to the
4. Identify the perspectives with low similarities and reveal the differences
earlier. Refine Objectives and Perspectives
In the case of little similarity of stakeholders' perspectives and low level of agree-
ment in their arguments, it is possible to directly refine stakeholders' objectives and
perspectives to increase the similarity of stakeholders' perspectives and promote the
level of their agreement to work towards a consensual agreement.
1. Focus on the stakeholders who have “separated” arguments (from other clus-
ters) and ask them to consider reining or adding objectives.
2. Ask the stakeholder with different distant models to talk to each other on
certain issues. Build communication channels to increase their interaction
3. Clarify the meaning/definition of fundamental objectives so that people have
shared understanding.
4. Help stakeholder generate more objectives (e.g., separate objectives, generate
more means objectives) to isolate their perspectives.
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