In Depth Tutorials and Information
Pre-Negotiation Modeling Phase
Step 1:
Identify Stakeholders
Step 2: Design
Baseline Process
Check Other Tasks
No Conflict
Step 3: Check
Step 4: Propose
Objective Hierarchy
Step 5: Declare
Step 7: Argument
Step 6.a: Argument
Generation & Exchange
Step 6.b: Perspective
Negotiation Phase
Step 8: Proceed to
Next Phase
Post-Negotiation Analysis Phase
directly or indirectly participate in the baseline process of engineering design. his
approach also needs to employ a baseline process that captures the required techni-
cal task-work in a predetermined order. For example, it can be a commonly accepted
design “workflow” suggested by the domain experts or standard operating procedures
instituted by the company. he team starts the design process, asks each stakeholder
to propose an implementation for specific tasks in the design process, and checks
the diferences (i.e., conlict) between implementation proposals. hen it determines
whether to initiate a negotiation by identifying conflicting design proposals.
Second, the negotiationphase helps the stakeholders structure their arguments,
and guides them into a negotiation process using the structured arguments. In this
phase, the stakeholders jointly propose an objective hierarchy that organizes all the
objectives and declares their perspectives (e.g., preferences) based on the objectives
and design task proposals. hen, based on the design tasks, objectives, and perspec-
tives, the stakeholders are guided to systematically generate and exchange their
negotiation arguments. Perspective analysis will be taken to help the stakeholders
better understand each other and reconcile their decision conflicts. If no argument
is commonly accepted at the end of exchanging the arguments, all the arguments
will be evaluated by aggregating stakeholders' preferences and ranked to recom-
mend an optimal choice, or a well-informed team leader will make the choice based
on the evaluation results.
Lastly, the post-negotiationphase with only one step assures that the stakeholders
obtain a commonly accepted engineering design implementation and proceed to
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