In Depth Tutorials and Information
41. Xiaowei Ying and Xintao Wu. Graph generation with prescribed feature constraints. In
Proceedingsofthe9thSIAMConferenceonDataMining , 2009. Sparks, Nevada.
42. Xiaowei Ying and Xintao Wu. On link privacy in randomizing social networks. In
PAKDD'09 , 2009. 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Advances in knowledge Discovery
and data mining. Bangkok, hailand pages 28-39, 2009.
43. Xiaowei Ying and Xintao Wu. On randomness measures for social networks. In SDM
2009. 2009 SIAM International conference on data mining, Sparks, Nevada, April
44. Elena Zheleva and Lise Getoor. Preserving the privacy of sensitive relationships in
graph data. In PinKDD'07 , pp. 153-171, 2007.
45. B. Zhou and J. Pei. preserving privacy in social networks against neighborhood attacks.
IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering , pp. 506-515, April 2008.
Cancun, Mexico.
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