Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
following block. Nevertheless the framework is an excellent starting point for any
video and image processing system.
The last two blocks are sometimes replaced by one block called BLOB Analysis .
This is especially done when the output of the segmentation block is a black and
white image as is the case in the figure. In this topic we follow this idea and have
therefore merged the descriptions of these two blocks into oneā€”BLOB Analysis.
In Table 1.1 a layout of the different chapters in the topic is listed together with a
short overview of the contents. Please note that in Chaps. 12 and 13 the design and
implementation of two systems are described. These are both based on the overall
framework in Fig. 1.2 and the reader is encouraged to browse through these chapters
before reading the rest of the topic.
The Chapters in This Topic
Table 1.1 The organization and topics of the different chapters in this topic
Image Acquisition
This chapter describes what light is and how a camera
can capture the light and convert it into an image.
Color Images
This chapter describes what color images are and how
they can be represented.
Point Processing
This chapter presents some of the basic image
manipulation methods for understanding and improving
the quality of an image. Moreover the chapter presents
one of the basic segmentation algorithms.
Neighborhood Processing
This chapter presents, together with the next chapter, the
basic image processing methods, i.e., how to segment or
enhance certain features in an image.
Similar to above, but focuses on one particular group of
BLOB Analysis
This chapter concerns image analysis, i.e., how to detect,
describe, and classify objects in an image.
Segmentation in Video
While most methods within image processing also apply
to video, this chapter presents a particularly useful
method for segmenting objects in video data.
This chapter is concerned with how to following objects
from image to image.
Geometric Transformation
This chapter deals with another aspect of image
manipulation, namely how to change the geometry
within an image, e.g., rotation.
Visual Effects
This chapters shows how video and image processing
can be used to create visual effects.
Application Examples
In these chapters concrete examples of video processing
systems are presented. The purpose of these chapters is
twofold. Firstly to put some of the presented methods
into a context and secondly to provide inspiration for
what video and image processing can be used for.
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