Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6.15 Examples of
advanced morphology. To p :
Skeletonization. Bottom :
Distance image. White means
zero and the darker the shade
the further the distance
Fig. 6.16 Left : Input image
f(x,y) . Object pixels are
white (1) and background
pixels are gray (0). Right :
Structuring elements SE1 and
Exercise 4: Find g(x,y) =
SE 1. f(x,y) and
SE 1
are defined in
Fig. 6.16 .
Exercise 5: Find g(x,y) = f(x,y)
SE 1. f(x,y) and SE 1 are defined in Fig. 6.16 .
Exercise 6: Find g(x,y) = f(x,y)
SE 1. f(x,y) and SE 1 are defined in Fig. 6.16 .
Exercise 7: Find g(x,y)
(f (x, y)
SE 2 ) AND ( NOT f(x,y)
NOT SE 2 ) .
f(x,y) and SE 2 are defined in Fig. 6.16 .
Additional exercise: What is skeletonization and how does it work?
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