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guess what, it fits right in there. The camera slips in the frame, the lens fits in the hole,
the LED that indicates that the camera is on fits, and the ambient light sensor hole is also
correct. It appears that the plans to have a camera in the ipad is a reality.
I'm looking forward to the ipad . . . when the next generation is released! more inside pics
coming soon! — Ryan
This blog entry launched on February 22, 2010, and it made blog history. We had 31,205
individual readers of the blog the very first day. We additionally had over 10,000 readers
on my “About us” page of the blog, which then turned in to thousands of clicks over to
my website (of course my “About us” page has a link to my website!). After this posting I
gained new prominence and respect as a valued and trusted site to visit. Who would have
known that this blog would have gone viral? I never would have known if I hadn't written
Blogging ends up being a great way to point users (customers) to your website. There's a
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tent to a new website and then wait for the search engines to find and promote it. When I
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Indexing a site, even your blog, by the search engines will help your site rise to the top of
the searches. The more relevant your blog, the more readers, and the more the blog con-
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