Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
a pronounced tendency to decompose in the presence of high temperature
and moisture conditions releasing sulphide which is a known promoter of
SCC. In the United States, to manage ageing of vessel head penetrations and
nozzles, the utilities are forced to conduct a regular inspection under ASME
Code Case 694. Some plants also conduct supplementary inspections on the
PWSCC sensitive zone. Many power plants conduct supplemented inspec-
tion and replace their RPV heads with new ones (IAEA, 2007).
7.3.5 Management practices in selected countries
In Japan, utilities inspect in accordance with JEAC-4205 (Japan Electric
Association Code for ISI Requirements), and the inspection requirements
are similar to those in the United States. For the RPV weld lines, a volu-
metric examination is conducted on a regular basis. In France, utilities con-
duct inspection according to their RSE-M (Rules for In-service Inspection of
Nuclear Power Plant Components), and also undertake water pressure test-
ing with acoustic emission monitoring, non-destructive inspection during the
outages, loose-parts (noise) monitoring during operation, leak detection dur-
ing operation and fatigue monitoring. The range of inspection covers the belt-
line region of the shell, all welds, top and bottom heads, nozzles and safe end
welds, penetrations, control rod drive housings, studs, threaded holes and sup-
ports. In Germany, utilities conduct regular inspection using the non-destruc-
tive inspection method in accordance with German Code KTA 3201.4.
7. 4
Case studies of management strategies
In this section we look at applied management practice around the world.
7.4.1 Degradation of reactor vessels
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
There have been no cases of ageing degradation of reactor vessels. Thermal
annealing at high temperature (475 ± 15°C) for 100-150 h has been applied
to plants operating in Russia since 1987 as a preventative measure (Badanin,
1989 ; Cole and Friderichs, 1991 ).
7.4.2 Degradation of reactor internals
There is a report that a guide tube support pin made of Alloy 750 was dam-
aged in Mihama Nuclear plant in Japan in 1978. The damaged pin was mov-
ing around as a foreign body and it was discovered in the steam generator
chamber. It was determined that the damage was from high stress in pri-
mary water at high temperature. After this incident, research studies were
conducted over many years to understand the damage mechanisms. It was
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