Geoscience Reference
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the actual evaluation of the integrals requires that the density be expressed
as a function of r . Although no such expression is available at present,
this fact does not diminish the theoretical and practical significance of spher-
ical harmonics, since the coe cients A nm ,B nm can be determined from the
boundary values of gravity at the earth's surface. This is a boundary-value
problem (see Sect. 1.13) and will be elaborated later.
Recalling the relations (1-91) and (1-98) between conventional and fully
normalized spherical harmonics, we can also write equations (2-71) and (2-
72) in terms of conventional harmonics, readily obtaining
A nm R nm ( ϑ, λ )
r n +1
V =
+ B nm S nm ( ϑ, λ )
r n +1
n =0
m =0
A n 0 = G
r n P n (cos ϑ ) dM ;
( n + m )! G
A nm =2 ( n
m )!
r n
R nm ( ϑ ) dM
( m
=0) .
( n + m )! G
B nm =2 ( n − m )!
r n
S nm ( ϑ ) dM
In connection with satellite dynamics, the potential V is often written in
the form
r n C nm R nm ( ϑ, λ )+ S nm S nm ( ϑ, λ ) , (2-78)
V = GM
n =1
m =0
where a is the equatorial radius of the earth, so that
( n
A nm = GM a n C nm
=0) .
B nm = GM a n S nm
Distinguish the coecient S nm and the function
S nm ! The coecient C n 0
has formerly been denoted by
J n .Notethat C is related to cosine and S
is related to sine.
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