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g i S ( ψ ) dσ ,
4 πγ
ζ i =
g =∆ g + g 1 + g 2 + g 3 +
The correction terms g n are evaluated recursively by
z r L r ( g n−r ) ,
g n =
r =1
starting from
g 0 =∆ g.
Here the operator L n is also defined recursively:
L n (∆ g )= n 1 L 1 [ L n− 1 (∆ g )]
starting with
L 1 = L
with the gradient operator L defined by the integral (8-60), that is,
L ( f )= R 2
2 π
f Q
dσ .
l 0
This means: take g 0 =∆ g ,where∆ g is the free-air anomaly at ground level
in the sense of Molodensky, then compute g 1 by (11-17) with n =1,then
compute g 2 by (11-17) with n =2and L 2 by (11-19), then g 3 by (11-17)
with n =3and L 3 by (11-19), etc.
The operator L behaves like differentiation ( L ( f )= g
) and, there-
fore, “roughens” the function f ; this means that each successive L becomes
rougher and rougher. This is not conducive to the convergence of Molodens-
ky's series unless the original ∆ g is very smooth, which cannot be assumed
in mountainous areas.
In such cases, some smoothing of ∆ g is inevitable. Numerical analysis
is constantly confronted with problems of smoothing, so many techniques
of smoothing have been developed such as the sliding average. For evalu-
ating the integral L , fast Fourier methods are available. The problem is to
find an appropriate degree of smoothing which makes consecutive correc-
tions g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 ,... decrease in order to achieve practical convergence with-
out “oversmoothing”. At any rate, smoothing must ensure that g 5 ,g 6 , ...
are practically negligible since they cannot be meaningfully computed be-
cause of the inevitable accumulation of round-off errors, which finally tends
to producing pure noise.
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