Geoscience Reference
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is the modern equivalent of the classical geoidal height,
N = Q 0 P 0 .
Using the anomalous potential
T = W
we have according to Bruns' theorem
ζ = T
N = T
Q 0
where γ denotes the ellipsoidal normal gravity.
The points P 0 form the geoid, and the points Q 0 constitute the ellipsoid,
both being level surfaces (of W and U , respectively). On the other hand, the
points P form the earth's surface, and the set of points Q defines an auxiliary
surface, denoted as telluroid according to R.A. Hirvonen. As a matter of fact,
neither the earth's surface nor the telluroid are level surfaces, which makes
matters more complicated than in the classical situation, where we deal with
level surfaces.
Following a suggestion of Molodensky, one could plot the height anoma-
lies ζ as vertical distances from the reference ellipsoid. Thus one obtains a
geoid-like surface, the quasigeoid, and ζ could be considered as quasigeoidal
heights. In contrast to the geoid, however, the quasigeoid is not a level surface
and does not admit of a natural physical interpretation. Therefore, working
with height anomalies ζ , it is best to consistently consider them quantities
referred to the earth's surface (vertical distances between earth surface and
telluroid), rather than using the quasigeoidal concept. A summary will be
given in Sect. 8.15.
The classical gravity anomaly ∆ g 0 at sea level is defined as
g 0 = g ( P 0 )
γ ( Q 0 ) ,
where g denotes gravity and γ normal gravity. So far, g ( P 0 ) denotes the ac-
tual gravity on the geoid; we are not yet here considering mass-transporting
gravity reductions.
Analogously we have according to Molodensky:
g = g ( P ) − γ ( Q ) .
Generally we will, as far as feasible, use the subscript “0” to designate quan-
tities referred to sea level, to distinguish them from quantities referred to
the earth's surface, which do not carry such a subscript. For instance, ∆ g 0
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