Geoscience Reference
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with the actual gravity anomalies outside the earth, since the function r g
is harmonic according to Sect. 2.14.
(Remark: we are consistently using the notation ∆ g for ground level,
g harmonic for sea level, and ∆ g for point level; see Fig. 8.5.)
It follows that the harmonic function T that is produced by ∆ g harmonic
according to Pizzetti's generalization (2-302) of Stokes' formula
T ( r, ϑ, λ )= R
4 π
g harmonic S ( r, ψ )
is identical with the actual disturbing potential of the earth outside and on
its surface .
Assume that we got in some way (e.g., by the Taylor series mentioned above
or by collocation to be treated in Chap. 10 or by a high-resolution gravita-
tional field from satellite observations) the downward continuation ∆ g harmonic
to sea level. Then we can compute the external gravity field, its spherical
harmonics, etc., rigorously by means of the conventional formulas of Chaps. 2
and 6, provided we use ∆ g harmonic rather than ∆ g in the relevant formulas.
For instance, the coe cients of the spherical harmonics of the gravitational
potential may be obtained by expanding the function ∆ g harmonic according to
Sect. 1.9 together with Sect. 1.6. If we wish to compute the height anomaly
ζ at a point P at ground level, we must remember that P lies above the el-
lipsoid, so that the formulas for the external gravity field are to be applied.
By Bruns' formula ζ = T/γ 0 (8-50), we get
g harmonic S ( r, ψ ) dσ ,
4 πγ 0
ζ =
where r = R + h and h is the topographic height of P in some sense of
Chap. 4. (We do not need it very accurately, but it means that h is formally
added to the constant radius R of the mean terrestrial sphere, which has no
real-world geometric interpretation!) Cf. Eq. (6-57). The function S ( r, ψ )is
expressed by (2-303), (6-22) or (6-35). Similarly, ξ and η , being deflections
of the vertical above sea level, must be computed by (6-41) and the second
and third equation of (6-30). This gives
g harmonic ∂S ( r, ψ )
4 πγ 0
ξ =
cos αdσ,
g harmonic ∂S ( r, ψ )
4 πγ 0
η =
sin αdσ,
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