Geoscience Reference
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The normal height H , and hence the telluroid Σ, can be determined by
leveling combined with gravity measurements, according to Sect. 4.4. First
the geopotential number of P , C = W 0
W P , is computed by
C = P
where g is the measured gravity and dn is the leveling increment. The normal
height H is then related to C by an analytical expression such as (4-63),
1+(1+ f + m
2 ,
+ C
Q 0
γ Q 0
Q 0
H =
2 f sin 2 ϕ )
where γ Q 0 is the normal gravity at the ellipsoidal point Q 0 .Notethat H is
independent of the density.
The normal height H of a ground point P is identical with the ellipsoidal
height h , the height above the ellipsoid, of the corresponding telluroid point
Q . If the geopotential function W were equal to the normal potential function
U at every point, then Q would coincide with P , the telluroid would coincide
with the physical surface of the earth, and the normal height of every point
would be equal to its ellipsoidal height. Actually, however, W P
= U P ; hence
the difference
= h P − H P
ζ P
= h P − h Q
is not zero. This explains the term “height anomaly” for ζ .
The gravity anomaly is now defined as
g = g P
γ Q ;
it is the difference between the actual gravity as measured on the ground
and the normal gravity on the telluroid. The normal gravity on the telluroid,
which we shall briefly denote by γ , is computed from the normal gravity at
the ellipsoid, γ Q 0 , by the normal free-air reduction, but now applied upward :
γ ≡ γ Q = γ Q 0 + ∂γ
2 γ
∂h H +
∂h 2 H 2 + ··· .
For this reason, the new gravity anomalies (8-23) are called free-air anoma-
lies .Theyare referred to ground level , whereas the conventional gravity
anomalies have been referred to sea level. Therefore, the new free-air anoma-
lies have nothing in common with a free-air reduction of actual gravity to
sea level, except the name. This distinction should be carefully kept in mind.
A direct formula for computing γ at Q is (2-215),
2 ,
+3 H
2 f sin 2 ϕ ) H
γ = γ Q 0
2(1 + f + m
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