Geoscience Reference
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where N c is the undulation of the cogeoid, the immediate result of Stokes'
formula, and δN is the indirect effect. By differentiating N in a horizontal
direction, we get the deflection component along this direction:
∂N c
( δN )
ε =
This means that we must add to the immediate result of Vening Meinesz'
∂N c /∂s , a term representing the horizontal derivative of δN (see
also Sect. 3.7).
To repeat, the main purpose is to obtain a simple boundary surface.
The geoid approximated by an ellipsoid or even a sphere is a much easier
boundary surface than the physical surface of the earth, to which we turn
Geodetic boundary-value problems
It is, however, quite easy to understand the general principles. In space we
have the well-known fact that the gravity vector g and the gravity potential
(geopotential) W are related by
g =grad W
which shows that the force g is the gradient vector of the potential.
Let S be the earth's topographic surface and let W and g be the geopo-
tential and the gravity vector on this surface. Then there exists a relation
g = f ( S, W ) ,
the gravity vector g on S is a function of the surface S and the geopotential
W on it. This can be seen in the following way. Let the surface S and the
geopotential W on S be given. The gravitational potential V is obtained
by subtracting the potential of the centrifugal force Φ, which is simple and
perfectly known (Sect. 2.1):
V = W − Φ .
The potential V outside the earth is a solution of Laplace's equation ∆ V =0
and consequently harmonic (Sect. 1.3). Thus, knowing V on S , we can ob-
tain V outside S by solving Dirichlet's boundary-value problem, the first
boundary-value problem of potential theory, which is practically always
uniquely solvable (Sect. 1.12) at least if V is suciently smooth on S .After
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