Geoscience Reference
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δg ϕ
l 3
2 π
δg ϕ =
dx dy ,
δg λ
l 3
2 π
δg λ =
dx dy .
On the left-hand side of these equations, the components of δ g refer to the
elevated point P ; in the integral on the right-hand side, they are taken at
sea level and are to be computed from the expressions
g + 2 γ 0
N ,
δg r =
δg =
δg ϕ =
γ 0 ξ,
δg λ =
γ 0 η,
which follow from (2-264) together with (6-42) and (6-43) applied to sea
level. The symbols R and γ 0 denote, as usual, a mean earth radius and a
mean value of gravity on the earth's surface.
Hence, we may compute T and δ g by means of the upward continuation
integral if the geoidal undulations N and the deflection components ξ and η
at the earth's surface are given.
The plane approximation is su cient except for very high altitudes (e.g.,
> 250 km). Otherwise, we must use the spherical formula (6-44) for T .For
the radial component δg r , formula (6-44) may also be applied with T re-
placed by rδg ,since rδg and r g are harmonic as we know from Sect. 2.14.
The corresponding spherical formulas for the upward continuation of the hor-
izontal components δg ϕ and δg λ arenotknown.Thereasonwhythesame
formula, the upward continuation integral, applies for T and the components
of δ g in the planar case only is that the derivatives of T are harmonic only
when referred to a Cartesian coordinate system.
Additional considerations
Reference surface
The preceding formulas for the disturbing potential T and the gravity dis-
turbance vector δ g are rigorously valid if the reference surface is a sphere.
In practice, the gravity anomalies are referred to an ellipsoid. The above
formulas for T and δ g are also valid for an ellipsoidal reference surface if a
relative error of the order of the flattening f . =0 . 3% is neglected, that is, as
a spherical approximation. The reader is reminded that this does not mean
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