Geoscience Reference
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longitude . The ellipsoidal-harmonic coordinate β is the reduced latitude, and
the spherical coordinate ϕ is the geocentric latitude.
The latitude ϕ refers to the reference ellipsoid . The reduced latitude β
refers to the coordinate ellipsoid u = constant (confocal ellipsoid through P
in Fig. 5.6).
So far so clear. Real attention is necessary when using the coordinate ϑ ,
which has been introduced as complement of the spherical coordinate ϕ and
as the complement of the ellipsoidal harmonic β as well.
Therefore, a correct but clumsy notation would be
ϑ ellipsoidal-harmonic =90
ϑ spherical
Note, however, that we did not use these indications to distinguish be-
tween the spherical and the ellipsoidal-harmonic ϑ ! Thus, the reader is chal-
lenged to attentively distinguish between these quantities. Wherever possi-
ble, we tried to avoid conflicts.
Some examples: we used the spherical coordinates r, ϑ, λ in Sects. 1.4,
1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 2.5, 2.6, 2.13, 2.18, etc. We used the ellipsoidal-harmonic
coordinates u, ϑ, λ in Sects. 1.15, 1.16; we used the ellipsoidal-harmonic co-
ordinates u, β, λ in Sects. 2.7, 2.8, and we used the spherical coordinates
r, ϑ, λ as well as the ellipsoidal-harmonic coordinates u, β, λ in Sect. 2.9.
The following equations express the rectangular coordinates in these
three systems:
X =( N + h )cos ϕ cos λ = u 2 + E 2 cos β cos λ = r cos ϕ cos λ,
Y =( N + h )cos ϕ sin λ = u 2 + E 2 cos β sin λ = r cos ϕ sin λ,
Z = b 2
a 2 N + h sin ϕ = u sin β
= r sin ϕ.
These relations, which follow from combining Eqs. (1-26), (1-151), and (5-
27), can be used if we wish to compute u and β from h and ϕ or from r and
ϕ ,etc.
Geodetic datum transformations
First we define a geodetic datum or a geodetic reference system .Itisde-
fined by (1) the dimensions of the reference ellipsoid (semimajor axis a and
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