Geoscience Reference
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which shows that an error δg in the order of 100 mgal falsifies an elevation
of 1000 m by only 10 cm.
Let us now estimate the effect of an error of the density on g .Differ-
entiating (4-32) and omitting the minus sign we find
δg =2 πGHd.
If δ =0 . 1gcm 3 and H =1km,then
δg =4 . 2 mgal ,
whichcausesanerrorof4mmin H . A density error of 0 . 6 g/cm 3 ,which
corresponds to the maximum variation of rock density occurring in practice,
falsifies H = 1000 m by only 25 mm.
Mader (1954) has estimated the difference between the simple computa-
tion of mean gravity according to Helmert, Eq. (4-32), and more accurate
methods that take the terrain correction into account. He found for Hochtor,
in the Alps, H = 2504 m:
g = 980 . 263
(Bouguer plate only),
(also terrain correction) .
g = 2 ( g + g 0 )
Mean gravity g according to (4-34) differs from Niethammer's value by only
1 mgal, which shows the linearity of g along the plumb line even in an extreme
case. This corresponds to a difference in H of 3 mm. The simple Helmert
height differs by about 6 cm from these more elaborately computed heights.
Therefore, the differences are very small even in this rather extreme case;
we see that orthometric heights can be obtained with very high accuracy.
This is of great importance for a discussion of the recent theory of Moloden-
sky from a practical point of view. See Chap. 8, particularly Sect. 8.11.
Normal heights
Assume for the moment the gravity field of the earth to be normal, that is,
W = U , g = γ , T = 0. On this assumption compute “orthometric heights”;
they will be called normal heights and denoted by H . Thus, Eqs. (4-21)
through (4-26) become
W = C = H
γdH ,
W 0
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