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where, by (1-89),
4 π
g 0 =
Expressing T 0 by (2-331) in terms of δM ,weobtain
R 2 GδM +
R δW .
g 0 =
The two equations (2-356) for N 0 and (2-363) for ∆ g 0 can now be solved
for δM and δW :
GδM = R ( R g 0 +2 γ 0 N 0 ) ,
δW = R g 0 + γ 0 N 0 .
The constant N 0 may be expressed by either of these equations:
2 γ 0 g 0 + GδM
N 0 =
2 γ 0 R
γ 0 g 0 + δW
N 0 =
γ 0
A final note
A direct consequence of Eq. (2-356) is that N 0 has an immediate geometrical
meaning: if a is the equatorial radius (semimajor axis) of the given reference
ellipsoid, then
a E = a + N 0
is the equatorial radius of an ellipsoid whose normal potential U 0 is equal to
the actual potential W 0 of the geoid, and which encloses the same mass as
that of the earth, the flattening f remaining the same. The reason is that
for such a new ellipsoid E the new N 0 = 0 by (2-356) with δM =0and
δW =0.
Asmall additive constant N 0 is equivalent to a change of scale for a nearly
spherical earth. To see this, imagine a nearly spherical orange. Increasing the
thickness of the peel of an orange everywhere by 1 mm (say) is equivalent
to a similarity transformation (uniform increase of the size) of the orange's
So, the usual Stokes formula, without N 0 , gives a global geoid that is
determined only up to the scale which implicitly is contained in N 0 .Itis,
however, geocentric , at least in theory, because it contains no spherical har-
monic of first degree, T 1 ( ϑ, λ ). It would be exactly geocentric if the earth
were covered uniformly by gravity measurements. The scale was formerly de-
termined astrogeodetically, historically by grade measurements dating back
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