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Algorithm II . Production of Mutated Clones
mutate ( x , flag ){
For each binary feature element (i, j) in x.f // note that x.f is basically a matrix
Generate a random number, r in [0, 1]
If ( r < MUTATION_RATE) Then
x.f i,j Å toggle( x.f i,j )
flag Å true
Clone selection and update of immune memory: Once the training criterion in
equation (3) is met for an antigen, the most stimulated ( w.r.t. the current antigen un-
dergoing training) b -cell among the survived ones is selected as a candidate (let b candi-
date denote this cell) to be inserted into immune memory. This process is outlined in
Algorithm III that is similar to one in [6]. This algorithm makes use of two parameters
AS (average stimulation) and
is a user-defined
one, whereas AS is measured from the input training antigen set as the average stimu-
lation between all pairs of the mean values of the antigen classes.
(a scalar value). The parameter
Algorithm III : Update of immune memory
CandStim Å stim ( ag i , b candidate )
MatchStim Å stim ( ag i , m match )
CellAff Å stim ( m match , b candidate )
If ( CandStim > MatchStim )
b candidate
// insertion into the immune memory
If ( CellAff >
AS )
IM Å IM - m match
// memory replacement
Phase-II of the training algorithm: Note that the training in Phase-I is a one-pass
method i.e. the system is trained only once on a training antigen. At the end of the
training phase, the immune memory i.e. IM 0 ={ m 1 , m 2 , …, m m } is produced. In the
present implementation, training involves a second phase namely Phase-II that
employs a refinement process. In this method recognition and training go hand in
hand to obtain a better immune memory from its initial version i.e. IM 0 .
In this phase, recognition of the all the training antigens is done first using the
immune memory ( IM i , i= 0, 1, …) obtained in the previous stage (say, i -th stage).
Classification strategy outlined next is used for recognition of antigens and the
recognition accuracy is noted. Next, antigens for which incorrect classification is
recorded act as a bootstrap samples that undergo further training involving clone
generation, selection and updating immune memory as outlined above in Phase-I of
the training. This results in an updated immune memory ( IM i+1 ), which is then used
for classification of all the training antigens. This newer version is retained if better
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