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the best choice, because it has the least number of deleted patterns. When m <2 r , the
filtration process can be described as following.
(1) Get the matching start point p and the maximum continuous matching length m
between the detector d and the matched self string.
(2) If
lp , stuff the ( p + m - r )-th bit of d with '#', or else stuff the
( p + r- 1)-th bit of d with '#'.
(3) If the maximum length of contiguous 0/1 bit in d is shorter than r , delete d and
try to generate a new detector.
, set all bits between ( p + r -1, p + m - r ) as '#'. Obviously, it is very
simple when
Notable, only one segment that the number of the maximum continuous matching
bits is no smaller than r , has been considered above. However, when r is small and l is
relative large, the number of such segments is possibly more than one. If there are two
or more segments of the maximum continuous matching bits not shorter than r ,
methods for finding the bits to be stuffed by '#' can be designed according to the same
idea described above.
Note that if the maximum length of contiguous 0/1 bit in d is shorter than r , the bit
replacing operation has made detector d useless because it can not match any
self/non-self string in the string space, then d must be deleted and a new detector should
be try to be generated.
The following is the process of trying to generate a new detector when a detector is
deleted in the process of strategy II. This algorithm is described below.
(1) Generate a new detector d' randomly.
(2) If d' is already included in the current set R , delete it and go back to (1).
(3) Perform partial matching between d' and strings in S one by one, if d' matches
any self string, perform the above filtration process of strategy II on d' . If d' is
deleted in the filtration process, go to (1).
(4) Add d' to R .
To limit the time cost for generating a new detector, when an old detector is deleted
in the updating process, step (1)-(3) in this process will be performed for only a small
constant number of cycles.
4 Simulation Experiments
To show the improvements of these two novel detector set updating strategies, they are
compared with the strategy used by ASTA-CED algorithm [8] which just delete a
detector matching self and try to generate a new one randomly. Binary strings in form
of “previous state/current state” are used for representing state transitions and
detectors. The framework of the simulation experiment system used in [8, 9] is adopted
with some modifications here, as shown in Fig 3.
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