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The Hamming shape-space U l
is built from all elements of length l over a
finite alphabet Σ .
Example 1.
Σ =
0 , 1
Σ =
A, C, G, T
000 ... 000
000 ... 001
111 ... 111
AAA . . . AAA
AAA . . . AAC
In example 1 two Hamming shape-spaces for different alphabets and alphabet
sizes are presented. On the left, a Hamming shape-space defined over the binary
alphabet of length l is shown. On the right, a Hamming shape-space defined over
the DNA bases alphabet (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine) is presented.
R-Contiguous and R-Chunk Matching
A formal description of antigen-antibody interactions not only requires a repre-
sentation (encoding), but also appropriate anity functions. Percus et. al [12]
proposed the r-contiguous matching rule for abstracting the anity of an anti-
body needed to recognize an antigen.
U l
with d = d 1 d 2 ...d l ,matchwithr-contiguous rule, if a position p exists where
e i = d i for i = p,...,p + r
U l
Definition 1. An element e
with e = e 1 e 2 ...e l and detector d
1 , p
r +1 .
Informally, two elements, with the same length , match if at least r contiguous
characters are identical.
An additional rule, which subsumes 1
the r -contiguous rule, is the r -chunk
matching rule [13].
U l
Definition 2. An element e
with e = e 1 e 2 ...e l and detector
D r with d =( p
r +1 match with r-chunk
rule,ifapositionp exists where e i = d i for i = p,...,p + r
N ×
d 1 d 2 ...d r ), for r
l, p
1 .
Informally, element e and detector d match if a position p exists, where all
characters of e and d are identical over a sequence of length r .
We use the term subsume as any r -contiguous detector can be represented as a
set of r -chunk detectors. This implicates that any set of elements from U l that
can be recognized with a set of r -contiguous detectors can also be recognized
with some set of r -chunk detectors. The converse statement is surprisingly not
true, i.e. there exists a set of elements from U l
that can be recognized with a set
1 Include within a larger entity.
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