Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Additionally, the markets for robotics and AI are increasing; they are up tenfold from 1992 to
2002 (UNECE-A) and are projected to expand tenfold again by 2010. The market for personal and
mobile robots, which tend to be more bio-inspired, appears poised to surpass industrial robots this
year (Kara, 2004). According to the U.N., the market for robotics was up 34% each year from 2002
to 2004, and is projected to expand sevenfold from 2004 to 2007, with the largest gains in the
consumer and entertainment robotics (UNECE, 2004).
It does appear that the age of biorobotics is neatly unfolding.
Please note: the specific examples of robots and technology cited in this chapter are far from
comprehensive. The chapter's chosen examples are not necessarily more highly meritorious than
others not mentioned, but rather represent an arbitrary cross-section of research that embodies bio-
inspired principles. The field is rich with quickly evolving research and researchers. The author
extends apologies to all those researchers whose work is not represented in this chapter, and
encourages readers to research independently to obtain a more effective image of work in this
rich field.
For many kinds of interaction with the real physical world, technology must have the ability to
move. Such mechanically effected, controlled motion is a distinguishing aspect of robotics. This
motion can be merely motile — anchored like the motion of an industrial robotic arm (biologically
analogous to the anchored motile arms of an anemone), or the motion may be locomotive (like the
flying of a bumblebee).
In all motive and locomotive modes of action, certain issues must be considered — sensing,
mechanical forces and resonances at play, and controls. Beyond these, the end application will
guide the modes of motion required, and together these will determine the specific, associated
engineering challenges (Bar-Cohen, 1999, 2002).
Undeniably, creating machines that move like animals can involve significant challenges. For
one thing, most available motors do not behave like animal muscles, neither mechanically nor in
their controls. Unlike conventional electromotors, biological muscles are inherently linear in
actuation, and are compliant. The linear action of muscles more efficiently effects animal-like
motion than do rotary electromotors, and the compliant properties appear key to biological motor
control schemes (Full and Meijer, 1999).
In another extreme difference from biological motor systems, today's robot technology cannot
maintain or repair itself. This means that many of the materials and motors used in robots must be
even more robust than similar-function materials in animals for the devices to have useful lifespans.
While someday robots may be endowed with self-repair capabilities (perhaps thanks to improving
genetic or protein engineering, MEMS automation, or nano-machines), for now, robots must be
overengineered for durability, and they must be regularly serviced or replaced.
The end application will determine the readiness of today's technology. Long-term constant
duty applications, like robots used in theme parks or outer space exploration, require very robust
materials and construction (Hanson and Pioggia, 2001). However, low-duty applications, such as
short promotional appearances or film special effects, may operate in considerably shorter duty
cycles, in less difficult environment conditions, and with lower requirements on lifespan.
Accordingly, various applications have varying motive requirements. For exploring Mars,
stability over irregular terrain is a critical priority, and therefore a hexapod like McGill's Rhex
might be more apropos than a biped. For entertainment applications on the other hand, aesthetic
impact on an audience is the critical priority, and so biped humanoids like Honda's Asimo would
likely serve better.
Fortunately for robotics applications engineers, an unprecedented bounty of robotic motion
technologies is available to choose from, and still others are emerging encouragingly.
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