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on rare occasions, are beneficial, are instrumental in adaptation, and, in fact, produce the ''fittest''
offspring. Some genetic algorithms incorporate mutations, some of which are beneficial.
Other similarities consist of gender-based traits and procedures for replacing and removing
population members. In addition, nature allows for population or species growth and decline. These
are occasionally practiced in genetic algorithms as well.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of evolutionary processes on a turbine balancing problem.
Solving the problem without employing the evolutionary process does not result in good solutions.
Seventy million attempts at its solution did not find the best known solution even once. Applying
the hybrid genetic algorithm 1,000 times (which is faster than 10,000,000 replications of a non-
evolutionary algorithm), found the best known solution (in one variant) 691 times out of 1,000
replications. The superiority of the evolutionary process is clearly demonstrated.
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Drezner, Z. (2005a). Compounded genetic algorithms. Operations Research Letters, 33 , 475-480.
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