Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Each INSERT statement creates new data files in HDFS with unique names, and
this way multiple INSERT INTO statements can be executed simultaneously. It is
possible that INSERT commands were executed on a different Impala daemon ( im-
palad ); then, using the REFRESH table_name command on other nodes will help
in syncing the data into a single table effectively. In general, the INSERT statement
is very detailed, and to learn the various functions that come with it, my suggestion
would be to look at the SQL statements documentation for INSERT .
The SELECT statement
The SELECT statement is used to select data from a table, which is part of the data-
base currently in use. To use the database, you start the USE statement first and then
use the SELECT statement. Here are some features of the SELECT clause in Impala:
• The DISCTINCT clause can also be used but it is applied per query
• The SELECT clause also uses the WHERE , GROUP BY , and HAVING clauses
• You can also use LIMIT while using ORDER BY with SELECT
I have written several examples by using SELECT with other clauses in this chapter,
so here is the syntax of using the SELECT clause in SQL statements for reference
SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table_name;
Internal and external tables
It is good that we can have a little discussion on internal and external tables while
learning about table-specific statements. When using CREATE TABLE , the newly
created table is considered as the internal table, whereas while using the CREATE
EXTERNAL TABLE statement the tables created are considered as external tables.
The properties of internal tables in Impala are as follows:
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