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6. Make sure to update hadoop-lzo-cdh4 depending on whether it is in-
stalled already or not.
7. Update Impala shell on each node on which it is installed.
8. Connect to the Cloudera Manager Admin console.
9. In the Services tab, click on the Impala service.
10. Click on Actions and then on Start .
Upgrading Impala without Cloudera Manager
The steps to be followed are as follows:
1. Stop Impala services and Impala-state-store in all nodes where it is installed.
2. Validate if any update-specific configuration is needed and, if so, please ap-
ply that configuration.
3. Update the Impala-server and Impala shell using appropriate update com-
mands on your Linux OS. Depending on your Linux OS and Impala package
types, you might be using these commands, for example, "yum" on RedHat/
CentOS Linux and "apt-get" on the Ubuntu/Debian Linux OS.
4. Restart Impala services.
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